Elizabeth Montalbano, Division Administrator
(225) 342-8276
This division is responsible for providing guidance and resources to state employees, supervisors/managers, human resource professionals and agency leaders regarding Civil Service Rules, State and Federal Laws, and human resources policies and procedures. The following is handled by this division:
- 14.1(p) Exceptions
- Affirmative Action Plan
- Alternate Work Schedules
- Continuous Performance Management (CPM)
- Crisis Leave Policies
- Department Preferred Reemployment List (DPRL)
- Detail to Special Duty Approvals
- Discipline Inquiries
- Extension of Hours (WAE)
- Job Appointment Extensions
- Layoffs/Layoff Avoidances
- Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
- Modification/Rescission of Personnel Actions
- Overtime
- Telework Policies
Agency requests should be routed to the assigned SCS HR Consultant per the agency assignments spreadsheet.