Employee Relations - Contracts Exempt From Civil Service Approval
DCFS - Office of Family Support (OFS)
- Provide "Job Readiness" - Job search skills training, job interview techniques, and resume preparation.      06/18/99
- Provide "Job Search" - interviews with arranged potential employers, maintenance of job pool, documentation of job searches, etc.      06/18/99
- Provide vocational education - Job-related remediation in areas such as reading, math GED instruction, vocational training, etc.      06/18/99
- Provide job placement - Services required for employment.      06/18/99
- Provide "job retention" - Participants are assigned to a working supervisor to learn basic work habits.      06/18/99
- Provide job skills - Develop specific marketable job skills (usually taught by teachers).      06/18/99
- Provide job development placement - Consists of any activity on behalf of participants to develop jobs or discover job openings and to market participants for these openings. Activities to secure job interviews.      06/18/99
- Provide child care resources and referral services for the CHILD CARE program. These are activities to inform people of available services, to provide educational resources and referrals to child care centers that serve children with special needs, etc.      07/08/99
- Provide pregnancy prevention services to a target population ranging in age from 11 - 19 years to reduce the number of unwed mothers. This creates a school and community-based program to present age appropriate educational material to parents and caretakers.      06/18/99
- Provide child care staff training/career development for child care givers.      06/18/99
- Psychologists to perform psychological evaluations for Disability Determinations.      06/18/99
- Blood testing for all IV-D referrals.      07/08/99
- Nutrition education to improve the health and quality of food stamp families.      06/18/99
- Provide a television training program (with LPB) to be viewed by child care professionals to obtain credit toward a child care license.      06/18/99
- Provide pick-up from school and tutoring services for participants in the FIND WORK program.      07/08/99
- Assist claims processing personnel with the interpretation of medical information and the adjudication of disability applications.      06/18/99