Employee Relations - Contracts Exempt From Civil Service Approval

LWC - LA Rehabilitation Services (LRS)


  1. Interpreting and translating for persons who are deaf and/or blind.      06/18/99
  2. Provide instruction for the blind and visually impaired in technology to assist them in employment.      06/18/99
  3. Provide impartial hearing officers to conduct fair hearings to resolve disputed issues between the applicants/clients and LRS.
  4. To acquire and renovate buildings to expand rehabilitation and placement services (including pre-vocational and transitional services).      06/18/99
  5. Provide a training and employment program for eligible LRS.      06/18/99
  6. Professional medical consulting services.      06/18/99    including psychologists.      07/08/99
  7. Personal assistance services (formerly known as personal care attendant services).      07/08/99