Employee Relations - Contracts Exempt From Civil Service Approval

  1. Transportation for individuals to health and social resources to conduct necessary household business.
  2. Day-care for children.      11/29/88
  3. Out-of-home and in-home respite care.      11/29/88
  4. Supervised apartment living services.      11/29/88    Supported Living      3/25/94
  5. Adult day services (adult habilitation).      11/29/88   (infant habilitation)     1/25/89
  6. Low-income home energy assistance program.      10/18/88
  7. Weatherization assistance program for low-income people.      10/18/88
  8. Gary W. Class member contracts -      8/12/88
    1. Independent living services
    2. Tutorial services
    3. Speech and occupational therapy
    4. Basic habilitation services
    5. Supported work programs
    6. Residential/supervised apartment living
    7. Any other home and/or individiualized care
  9. Training for foster parents.      8/12/88
  10. In-home (homemaker) care for disabled adults and families in crisis situations.      8/12/88
  11. Substitute foster care for children. 8/12/88 Substitute family care and family support.      9/19/91
  12. Sign language interpreter services for the deaf in situations authorized by the Office of Community Services. Also, to provide sign language classes in local communities.      8/12/88